Urban Design Projects
Becher Street Reconstruction
DAAR provided design services for the reconstruction of Becher Street near the Kinnickinnic River on the south side of Milwaukee.
WIS 138/US 14 Reconstruction
DAAR provided design services for a 4-lane, 0.75 mile urban reconstruction section of the US 14/WIS 138 interchange with two roundabouts, and the reconstruction of WIS 138 from Hill Road to Park Street in the Village of Oregon, WI.
WIS 83 Reconstruction
DAAR is providing design services for a 1-mile urban reconstruct along WIS 83 from East Monroe Avenue to WIS 60, with intersection improvements at the East Monroe Avenue/WIS 83 intersection in Washington County, WI. This three-party contract between DAAR, The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT), and the City of Hartford is located in the historic district of the City of Hartford.